+ The Past is Continuing – Drinking in Ranges, Feasting on Peaks
+ The Past is Continuing – The Eternal Phoenix
+ Double Vision – Midnight Mountaineering
+ Remaster vs Appropriating the Classics
+ All About Poetry – Southern District Literature Day
+ Taehwa River Eco Art Festival 2013
+ "Black Market" Flash Art Exhibition
+ Philosopher's (knock-off) Stone: Turning Gold into Plastic
+ Space@West Kowloon - Hong Kong Sculpture Biennial
+ Wearable Exhibition - Bring Art Everywhere
+ LANDSCAPES - Gyeonggi Creation Center, South Korea
+ Bittersweet - A Mixed Media Solo Exhibition
+ Primitive Contemporary III series -
Primitive Craftsmanship ‧ Contemporary Sculpture
+ "Green X’mas@CDAV" Community Art Program
+ Touching Art: Louvre's Sculptures in Movement
+ Eastern District Arts Festival - Eastern Art Bus
+ Wongok-dong Recipe, Litmus, South Korea
+ Food Art Festival "Savor Art !" Exhibition
+ See-Through - From Hollywood to Shanghai
Hok-Shing Grocery - A Century-old Shop
(Used Goods Collection and Exchange Project)
+ Urban Ark (Theatre Installation)
+ Silence
+ CUHK The Fourth Chung Chi Christian Festival
+ Hiking Arte - Travelling in Imaginary Landscape
+ Reborn - The Silk Road Arts Exhibition
+ Dwelling
+ Reversed Reality - Worksound, Portland, USA
+ Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme IV
+ Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme IV Launching Exhibition
+ Order - Recordation of Personal Action
+ "Away" Group Exhibition of Hong Kong Contemporary
”Wongok-dong Recipe", Community Space Litmus, South Korea
Upon the Sitting and Lying Down Space
當我第一次踏足韓國元谷洞(Wongok don)時,已經是晚上十二時多了,但仍見很多人還在路旁或店內(多為中國商店和餐廳)工作,臉上露出疲倦神色,我想他們一定是為了生活而努力打拼著!
我用了一些能在元谷洞買的現成物料和在街上揀拾的棄置物進行創作,值著此行動,帶出生活享受不一定建立在物質之上,生活不只得一種方式,只要能懂得欣賞身邊 之微小事物,用心感受周遭環境的規律和變化,不論一花一草,明月清風也都有情有趣,生活是滿有快樂與驚喜的,希望能與此地居民和外來的民工分享!
When I first set foot on Wongok dong, Korea it was already in the mid-night but there were still many people on the streets or inside the shops (mostly Chinese stores or restaurants). They all looked very tired. I think they worked very hard to make a living.
The aim of my creation is to bring a sense of joy and comfort to the foreign workers here. I designed a place where people can sit or lay on. The shape and the material are the same as the tables used outside the Korean restaurants. I put the elements of garden upon this place, including mountains, rivers, the moon and the breeze. Putting this table in the outdoors and inviting friends and the workers to come and have a sit, one can enjoy a great time on it.
I used some ready-made materials bought in Wongok dong and scraps disposed on the street to create my artwork as a mean to convey my message that life is not merely based on materialism but also on the appreciation of life itself, be it a trivial matter or the beautiful landscape that surrounds us. Life is full of joy and surprises and I would like to share it with the locals and the foreign workers.
Moreover I created another piece of work related with poems and language. What I chose are poems all about departures and leaving one’s birthplace which are intended to console the workers’ who left their hometown to make a living. Each poem has been matched with a traditional Chinese Drawing. I am translated the Chinese pomes into Korean. Then I invited some townspeople to read the poem and let them to draw a picture for the poem without the original drawing, whish is based on what they have read, for example the poem is described a small boat in the lake. The participants may draw a yacht, while his perception is influenced by his background and experience. Finally, this artwork will be installed upon the tables so that the audience can appreciate the poems while they are relaxing in the garden.
”Wongok-dong Recipe", Community Space Litmus, South Korea
Can you smile for me and for yourself ?
作品為地鐵上的藝術行動 ,作品名字為「可否給你自己和我一個微笑」。第一次坐地鐵的時候,忽然有人把一盒口香糖放在我的大腿上,經過觀察得知他們是在車上售賣貨品,對一個外地來的我是驚喜而有趣的經驗,因為在香港的鐵上是不容許買賣貨品的。在鐵路上多次觀察所得,一些乘客是會買貨品的,有些則不會理會和露出不悅神色。藉着此經驗,我用作品作一次回應,我用棄置的漢堡包紙合做成跟一盒口香糖大小一樣,再在盒面的一面印上"可否給你自己和我一個微笑",另一面則印上"大家好,我是香港來的藝術家"。望此行動能帶給韓國市民在平凡而忙碌的生活中一點趣味與驚喜!
Another piece of work of mine is a piece of performance art named “Can you smile for me and for yourself?” When I first took the underground in Korea, a man suddenly put a packet of chewing gum onto my lap. After a while I then realized he was selling the gum to the passengers. This is clearly a very surprising and yet funny experience for a foreigner like me as hawking is strictly prohibited in underground in Hong Kong. After several observations, I found that some passengers will buy the gum while the others will simply ignore the hawker and show a sign of discontentment on their faces. Thereby I created an art piece as a response. I made some gum packets with the use of disposed burger boxes and printed the words “Can you smile for me and for yourself?” on one side and “Hello, I am an artist from Hong Kong” on the other. I hope this piece of performance art will bring along some joys and surprises to the busy lives of the Korean citizens.