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The Past is Continuing – Drinking in Ranges, Feasting on Peaks

The Past is Continuing – The Eternal Phoenix

Double Vision – Midnight Mountaineering


Say Hello to Hello

Remaster vs Appropriating the Classics

All About Poetry – Southern District Literature Day


Uncertainty Principle

Fine Art Asia 2013

Taehwa River Eco Art Festival 2013


"Black Market" Flash Art Exhibition

Philosopher's (knock-off) Stone: Turning Gold into Plastic

OSAGE Pop-Up Art Market


Scalable Strategies

Space@West Kowloon - Hong Kong Sculpture Biennial

In the Arms of Void

Wearable Exhibition - Bring Art Everywhere


Paper Tales Exhibition

Fine Art Asia 2011

LANDSCAPES - Gyeonggi Creation Center, South Korea

Dreaming Everywhere

Love the Future

Bittersweet - A Mixed Media Solo Exhibition

Primitive Contemporary III series -
    Primitive Craftsmanship ‧ Contemporary Sculpture

Seven Bamboo "Song Bags"


"Green X’mas@CDAV" Community Art Program

Touching Art: Louvre's Sculptures in Movement

Eastern District Arts Festival - Eastern Art Bus

Wongok-dong Recipe, Litmus, South Korea

The Layman Life Exhibition

Food Art Festival "Savor Art !" Exhibition

See-Through - From Hollywood to Shanghai
    Hok-Shing Grocery - A Century-old Shop

    (Used Goods  Collection and Exchange Project)

Urban Ark (Theatre Installation)


CUHK The Fourth Chung Chi Christian Festival

Heritage X Arts X Design

The Missing Parts

Poetic Scene


Hiking Arte - Travelling in Imaginary Landscape

Reborn - The Silk Road Arts Exhibition


Art on the Road


Reversed Reality - Worksound, Portland, USA

Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme IV

Master Mind 2008

Art Container Project

Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme IV Launching Exhibition


Paradigm Shift

Order - Recordation of Personal Action


"Away" Group Exhibition of Hong Kong Contemporary

     Visual Artists

In-Between Meals


Bodily Life

The Art School, Hong Kong Arts Centre Diploma in Fine

    Arts Graduation Show


Heritage X Arts X Design


百年老店之學成號雜貨 (舊物交換與收集行動)

Hok-Shing Grocery - A Century-old Shop (Used Goods Collection and Exchange Project)






Hok-Shing Grocery is built in the architectural style of post-war tenement buildings, with old cardboard and abandoned materials. Parading through the neighborhood, I sit inside the Grocery and open the windows to chat with neighbors in order to collect objects and stories embodied by the items.


I have been worried about the strange appearance of my shop would drive residents away or residents find it ridiculous and refuse to talk. Fortunately, when I pulled my grocery around, people are curious and enthusiastic to talk about their childhood memories of living in an old tenement building. I don’t realize that the past and the present is so close. These interesting dialogues have been shooted and recorded. I also make use of the collected items to create a piece of sculpture in sharing with you the old things, old friends and old wisdom.

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