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The Past is Continuing – Drinking in Ranges, Feasting on Peaks

The Past is Continuing – The Eternal Phoenix

Double Vision – Midnight Mountaineering


Say Hello to Hello

Remaster vs Appropriating the Classics

All About Poetry – Southern District Literature Day


Uncertainty Principle

Fine Art Asia 2013

Taehwa River Eco Art Festival 2013


"Black Market" Flash Art Exhibition

Philosopher's (knock-off) Stone: Turning Gold into Plastic

OSAGE Pop-Up Art Market


Scalable Strategies

Space@West Kowloon - Hong Kong Sculpture Biennial

In the Arms of Void

Wearable Exhibition - Bring Art Everywhere


Paper Tales Exhibition

Fine Art Asia 2011

LANDSCAPES - Gyeonggi Creation Center, South Korea

Dreaming Everywhere

Love the Future

Bittersweet - A Mixed Media Solo Exhibition

Primitive Contemporary III series -
    Primitive Craftsmanship ‧ Contemporary Sculpture

Seven Bamboo "Song Bags"


"Green X’mas@CDAV" Community Art Program

Touching Art: Louvre's Sculptures in Movement

Eastern District Arts Festival - Eastern Art Bus

Wongok-dong Recipe, Litmus, South Korea

The Layman Life Exhibition

Food Art Festival "Savor Art !" Exhibition

See-Through - From Hollywood to Shanghai
    Hok-Shing Grocery - A Century-old Shop

    (Used Goods  Collection and Exchange Project)

Urban Ark (Theatre Installation)


CUHK The Fourth Chung Chi Christian Festival

Heritage X Arts X Design

The Missing Parts

Poetic Scene


Hiking Arte - Travelling in Imaginary Landscape

Reborn - The Silk Road Arts Exhibition


Art on the Road


Reversed Reality - Worksound, Portland, USA

Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme IV

Master Mind 2008

Art Container Project

Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme IV Launching Exhibition


Paradigm Shift

Order - Recordation of Personal Action


"Away" Group Exhibition of Hong Kong Contemporary

     Visual Artists

In-Between Meals


Bodily Life

The Art School, Hong Kong Arts Centre Diploma in Fine

    Arts Graduation Show

《原始當代‧三》計劃系列 之《原始刻劃‧當代雕塑》立體藝術作品展覽

"Primitive Contemporary III" series—

"Primitive Craftsmanship ‧ Contemporary Sculpture"







(L) 110cm X (W) 85cm X (H) 80cm


木, 帆布, 紙, 金屬容器, 樹枝

Wood, Canvas, Papers, Metal container, Branches









作品為一屋型小空間。利用卡板木、舊帆布、舊紅酒箱木、在園區內拾來的樹枝等為創作材料。小屋佈置舒適,屋外置有盛水裝置,屋內有稻草軟墊供小動物 (野豬, 兔子等 ) 入內休息 。屋外牆上有木製小山,山上有多個小洞,提供給螞蟻或小蟲築巢居住。屋頂上置有樹枝,枝上掛有一木製小鳥居,為小鳥製造溫暖的家。






There are many animals living in Tai Tong Lychee Village of Yuen Long, yet most of them are kept in cages and lost their freedom of mobility, so I would like to create an artwork that can let the living creatures enter or leave the living space freely.

This artwork acts as housing space, which is made of wood, old canvas, paper, wood of red wine box and branch in the garden. I also make use of wood to create hills outside the house. There are some caves inside the hills, so the ants and other small insects can live here. Placing branches on top of the house is another idea to create a warm nest for the birds to live here.

This housing space is opened for all types of animals, including human beings. It aims at providing them not only a freely comfortable living space, but also an enjoyable natural experience.

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