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The Past is Continuing – Drinking in Ranges, Feasting on Peaks

The Past is Continuing – The Eternal Phoenix

Double Vision – Midnight Mountaineering


Say Hello to Hello

Remaster vs Appropriating the Classics

All About Poetry – Southern District Literature Day


Uncertainty Principle

Fine Art Asia 2013

Taehwa River Eco Art Festival 2013


"Black Market" Flash Art Exhibition

Philosopher's (knock-off) Stone: Turning Gold into Plastic

OSAGE Pop-Up Art Market


Scalable Strategies

Space@West Kowloon - Hong Kong Sculpture Biennial

In the Arms of Void

Wearable Exhibition - Bring Art Everywhere


Paper Tales Exhibition

Fine Art Asia 2011

LANDSCAPES - Gyeonggi Creation Center, South Korea

Dreaming Everywhere

Love the Future

Bittersweet - A Mixed Media Solo Exhibition

Primitive Contemporary III series -
    Primitive Craftsmanship ‧ Contemporary Sculpture

Seven Bamboo "Song Bags"


"Green X’mas@CDAV" Community Art Program

Touching Art: Louvre's Sculptures in Movement

Eastern District Arts Festival - Eastern Art Bus

Wongok-dong Recipe, Litmus, South Korea

The Layman Life Exhibition

Food Art Festival "Savor Art !" Exhibition

See-Through - From Hollywood to Shanghai
    Hok-Shing Grocery - A Century-old Shop

    (Used Goods  Collection and Exchange Project)

Urban Ark (Theatre Installation)


CUHK The Fourth Chung Chi Christian Festival

Heritage X Arts X Design

The Missing Parts

Poetic Scene


Hiking Arte - Travelling in Imaginary Landscape

Reborn - The Silk Road Arts Exhibition


Art on the Road


Reversed Reality - Worksound, Portland, USA

Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme IV

Master Mind 2008

Art Container Project

Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme IV Launching Exhibition


Paradigm Shift

Order - Recordation of Personal Action


"Away" Group Exhibition of Hong Kong Contemporary

     Visual Artists

In-Between Meals


Bodily Life

The Art School, Hong Kong Arts Centre Diploma in Fine

    Arts Graduation Show


安全口畫廊的夏季展覽來到尾聲,閉幕的是劉學成的《向你好說你好》—— 藝術家與畫廊首次合作的個人展覽。

是 次展覽以「在遙遠的鄰近」這概念定位,空間並不僅只能透過絕對的量度單位去理解 —— 它亦是一連串文化、社會、人際關係和時間的張力之下的產物。在空間的這種「相對的量度單位」之下,《向你好說你好》將發掘「距離」和「鄰近」這兩個概念之 間錯綜複雜的內容。劉學成透過藝術的方式,創造出空間上的矛盾, 營造出一個富美感、流暢、既遠亦近的經驗。

劉學成的《向你好說你好》將出現於畫廊的不同角落。在熟悉和陌生的美學之間,在感知和視覺經驗之間,《向你好說你好》探索的是藝術與觀者之間,那段心理上 的距離的本質是甚麼。藝術家刻意安排物件、雕塑以及裝置的空間結構,給觀者度身訂造一種跟千變萬化的電影拍攝效果相近的觀賞經驗,當中包括有如「遠景」、 「特寫」和「大特寫」的運用。展覽裡每件作品的結構都既低調且平易近人,並附帶著一種直接的自主性。造型獨特的影像更散發著質感上的對比和強烈的視覺效 果,造就出一種彼岸世界之感。




《Say Hello to Hello》


Gallery EXIT brings the curtain down on the summer exhibition series with Hanison LAU Hok Shing’s Say Hello to Hello, the artist’s first solo exhibition with the gallery.

The exhibition anchors in the idea of distant proximity - space is not only conceived as an absolute unit of measure, but also the result of cultural, social, interpersonal and temporal tensions. Under this “relational unit of measure” of space, the exhibition Say Hello to Hello explores the sophisticated geography of proximity and distance. By creating spatial paradoxes through artistic means, LAU engenders a sleek aesthetic experience of distance and proximity.

Working about the gallery space is Hanison LAU Hok Shing’s Say Hello to Hello. Between familiar and unfamiliar aesthetics, tangible and visual experiences, Say Hello to Hello delves the nature of psychological distance emerged between art and audience. Through a deliberate spatial composition of objects, sculptures and installations, LAU creates a tailor-made experience resembling much of the varied cinematic effects such as “long shots”, “close-ups” and “extreme close-ups”. Throughout the show, the informal and unobtrusive composition of each work is juxtaposed with a sense of spontaneity and directness. The textural contrast and compelling visual effect exuded from styled images also devise a sense of otherworldliness.

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